Motion capture, Cinema 4D, sculpting, animation, camera guidance, lighting—the list seems almost endless. This project, essentially a free motion capture project, introduced me to the diverse three-dimensional world and resulted in a trailer for a fictional animated film.
Planet 9, an ice giant on the edge of our solar system, serves as the setting for this play. It will take years before Ennéa, the first spacecraft of its kind capable of reaching this planet, launches its solar sail. Then, several hundred years will pass before humanity attempts a second visit, as Ennéa's journey profoundly affected the fate of the planet.
We destroyed an ecosystem when we entered the atmosphere of this young planet. When we realized our mistake, any further action was forbidden. Many hundreds of years had to pass before the planet came back into Earth's view. A fitting constellation for Spaceship Athena to discover the accidentally created wonders brought by that fateful first contact. Twelve wonders!
While creating this project, I couldn't help myself taking a view detours. Poster design, Blueprints and Scene Shoots helped not only to increase the value of the presentation, it also provided the chance to learn one or two new tricks about Cinema4D and Photoshop. As the first big Cinema4D project, I was very impatient to try all kinds of stuff.
Planet 9, an ice giant at the edge of our solar system, is the stage of this play. Years are to pass before Ennéa, the first spaceship of its kind capable of visiting this planet, sets her solar sail. Another few hundred years will pass before mankind dares a second attempt because the visit of Ennéa shook the fate of a planet.