© handschrift DESIGN

zodiacan ANIMATION

unboxing reality MAGAZINE

Semester Project in Editorial Design

With the theme 'blurring reality', I was able to explore my own interpretations of the topic. Microscopic and macroscopic worlds became my blurred reality—things that exist but are invisible without technical aids. This is how the magazine 'UNBOXING REALITY' was born. In this project, we were asked to work photographically, illustratively, and typographically, all while aiming to create a high-quality editorial piece.

About the Project

To complete the project, we had to design a magazine that included our own photographs and illustrations. 'Unboxing Reality' is formatted in DIN A4 and contains 38 spreads. It was not only enjoyable to work on this project with the creative freedom to write and design my own articles, but also rewarding to work within the constraints of the course theme and the stylistic rules I established to maintain coherence throughout.

Don't wait—dive right in! :D

unboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality SpreadUnboxing Reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spreadunboxing reality Spread

Before and after pictures

To give you a glimpse of my process and the various directions I explored in this project, let's compare the initial stages of the illustrations with the final results.

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operation manual for creativity PRINT

Semester Project in Creativity Training
illustrating | editing